

The Management of Strathmore are committed to provide for all staff and others, a working environment that is (as far as reasonably practicable) free from hazards.

To achieve this all Staff, Contractors Sub-contractors and Others will be required to abide by the Code of Conduct or, where relevant, specific instruction to prevent any person being harmed.

All relevant Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice, Guidelines and Employment Contracts will be implemented where reasonably practicable to do so. All accidents and incidents will be recorded and reported with causal factors identified to prevent future occurrences.

Safety and safe work practice at Strathmore is not negotiable and failure to abide by any agreed rule will be viewed as serious misconduct.

The Management of Strathmore, will comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, and are also committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all Employees, Visitors, Contractors and Sub-contractors.

It is our policy to make every practical and reasonable effort to protect everybody, to prevent accidents or serious harm injuries and promote the health, safety and welfare of all persons working for this agribusiness.

Bullying is not tolerated. Strathmore will minimise the likelihood of bullying at work occurring promoting good relationships, educating managers and employees to recognise what bullying is (and isn't), how to report it using the incident reporting form on this site, and following the Worksafe process when bullying is reported. The Code of Conduct makes it clear what behaviour is expected.

All steps will be taken by all Employees and Management to identify, list and prioritise hazards and to determine ways of eliminating, isolating or minimising those hazards using controls based on risk (therefore based on the likelihood and severity of each hazard).

The Management of Strathmore will encourage safe work methods with all machinery and plant. Training will be provided and recorded.

Strathmore expects anyone working in this farm workplace to observe and practice safe work methods to ensure a safe and healthy workplace, as well as ensuring that no action or inaction on their part causes harm to any other person. Strathmore are committed to support the safe and early return to work of any injured employee.

All accidents/incidents will be reported and recorded in the Safety & Health Manual.

All accidents, incidents, near misses and hazards are to be reported to management so trends can be identified and controls put in place to reduce the chances of harm occurring. This may be done anonymously on this website.

All Staff, Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Employee's Family Members and Visitors will comply with the Code of Conduct.

Safety and safe work practices at Strathmore is not negotiable and failure to abide by any agreed rule will be viewed as serious misconduct.



1. The Code of Conduct has been compiled by the Management of this Farm to comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

2. We will actively promote the Code of Conduct to ensure the working environment on this Farm is as far as reasonably practicable free from hazards.

3. All Staff will have the Code of Conduct for this Farm explained to them and be made fully aware of its importance.

4. All Staff will be required to acknowledge they accept the Code of Conduct by submitting the Induction form on this web site.

5. All Staff will be given digital access to the Code of Conduct.

6. The Code of Conduct will be discussed by Management and Staff at each meeting.

7. The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed annually or as required. Last reviewed June 2021.

8. Non-compliance with any of the Code of Conduct will be viewed as serious misconduct.




1. Follow and obey all rules, signs and instructions for the workplace/farm.

· If in doubt, ask!

2. Hazards:

· Always look out for hazards and remember to remove them, guard against them and warn others about them. Controls for hazards are discussed with, and developed by the whole team.

Remember: Eliminate, Isolate and Minimise

· Report immediately any condition or practice you think might cause damage to equipment or injuries to anyone on the farm.

· Maintain safe work practices and keep yourself and others safe.

3. Emergencies:

· Read and understand the emergency procedures, location of the fire extinguishers, first aid kits and their use.

· If in doubt, ask.

4. Accidents or Incidents:

· Whenever you or the equipment you operate is involved in an accident, near miss or incident, regardless of how minor, report and record it on day of occurrence to Management. This may be done anonymously using the form on this website.

· Get first-aid promptly if needed.

5. Tools:

· Use the correct tools and equipment for the job and use them as safely as possible.

· Put everything you use in its proper place.

· Keep work items clean and orderly.

6. Protective Equipment:

· Wear approved personal protective equipment (PPE) as directed.

· Keep PPE correctly maintained and in good working condition.

7. Chemicals:

· Handle all chemicals with care; when using chemicals use correct protective gear.

· Read the labels and follow the instructions. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available online and a link is available in the Hazard Register (Home page of this site).

8. Heavy Loads & Lifting

· Whenever possible, bend your knees, grasp the load firmly, and then raise the load keeping your back as straight as possible.

· Always get help for heavy loads over 25kg. Find ways to avoid lifting where possible (for example, put calves through the gate rather than lifting over), or use lifting aids such as the tractor if possible.

9. Do not take unnecessary risks in the workplace;

· Avoid distracting others while they are working.

10. Training will be provided as per the Farm Training Programme.

11. Respect the 'No Smoking' areas in the workplace - this includes work vehicles.

12. Sun block and hats to be worn as appropriate. Sun block is supplied.

13. No firearms allowed on the property without land owner consent. A Firearms licence is required to gain consent.

Vehicles & Machinery:

14. All tractors and machinery will be mounted and dis-mounted correctly, and at no time are any Employees to climb/jump off any moving vehicle.

15. Weekly, before use, all tractors and farm bikes will be checked by trained persons using the checklist provided; T.C.L.O.W.C. - Tyres, Controls, Lights, Oil, Water Chassis.

16. All vehicles shall be cleaned regularly. Faults are to be reported to Management and recorded on the Maintenance reporting section of this website.

17. Keep all machine guards in place.

· Replace any guards removed for cleaning.

18. Bike Helmets to be worn at all times when using/riding any bikes on road outside gate. Speed limit is set on this farm at 30 km.

19. Whenever P.T.O. driven equipment is being used, the operator will not leave the driving platform until all drives are completely stopped or stationary.

20. At any time when equipment or machinery becomes jammed, the operator/driver will not under any circumstances attempt to clear the obstruction without first turning the machine off.

· Seek assistance if required.

21. All hydraulic equipment will be lowered to the ground when not in use, including front end loader and silage forks.

22. Chainsaws

Whenever chainsaws are operated the PPE gear supplied must be worn at all times.


· Report any significant hazards immediately.

· All accidents must be reported

· Wear protective safety equipment appropriate to the task being undertaken.

· Use guards on tools and equipment as designed and ensure all equipment is in safe working order.

· Ensure safe and suitable power supply to all tools and equipment especially around any wet areas.

· When using lifting equipment, do not overload. Secure load and always move with caution.

· If task requires you to physically lift something, ensure you use correct lifting technique.

· Strive to provide a safe and healthy workplace -

· Keep all work areas as clean and as tidy as is practical.

· No Smoking in buildings or dairy shed.

· No alcohol or drugs allowed.

· Practice good hygiene at all times.

· If you are unsure – ASK!