
  • Don't leave the keys in the ignition as there is a risk that children may get into the tractors unsupervised.

  • Reverse into parks so the next person to use the tractor approaches from the front so they can see into the bucket to check for children.

  • 2WD Tractors - high risk of loss of control. These tractors have less grip on the front wheels due to being 2WD. Do not operate on slopes in wet conditions. Operate with care in all conditions with awareness of the differences in performance compared to modern tractors. A particular risk is loss of control if the rear wheels lift off the ground due to a heavy weight in the bucket as the front wheels have no wheel brakes or engine braking.

  • Trailers tend to slide in wet conditions which can strike other objects, or jack knife against the tractor. There is also a risk that bales stacked in the trailer may be unstable.
