Zoonotic diseases are those which can be transferred from animals to humans. These are also notifiable diseases which means we need to tell the Ministry of Health if we are diagnosed with them so please tell us if your doctor diagnoses you with any notifiable disease.
The primary risk on a dairy farm is from Leptospirosis (Lepto for short) because although we vaccinate the cows there are some types of Lepto which aren't prevented through the vaccine. Please read the information sheet below to learn how to control this risk.
Some of you may know local man John who contracted Lepto. Here is his story in his own words.
John's story:
The past month.. A warning to all
As many are already aware I have been pretty bloody crook to say the least. This isn’t an attention seeking or pity me post, more a post to raise awareness for many working with bovine stock. In the last week of May I caught what I believed was a typical cold. It got worse and worse so I thought I better go to the doctor to be on the safe side. I got sent for blood tests and we got the results back not with the news I wanted to here. ‘Leptospirosis’ My health by then was going rapidly down hill 8 days not eating, weight loss ( that bit I’m not to upset about!!) headaches and flu like symptoms you cannot imagine! Luckily for me we got onto it quickly! So for me the long term consequences aren’t going to be to drastic. After a few doses of iv and many blood tests to monitor my progress I’m making a good recovery. From what I’ve been told I’ve got a long recovery ahead. Anywhere up to a year to I’m back to my old self. I’ve got a lot of people to thank for there support in the past month especially Jane Simpson (Mum) and Dad for there many trips to the chemist and every where else and putting up with a pretty pissed of me! Melanie Bennett and Jim for there endless support through this. And to the many other messages of support you have all sent. From here, it’s a gradual step back into work, learning how to work around the affects. Lepto is not something to be considered as a minor condition. Luckily for me we were onto it quickly. Many are not this fortunate! And the consequences are far worse. Please feel free to share!
VTEC and STEC are less serious diseases but are still notifiable diseases and it is common for kids to get it from calf pens:
Cryptosporidiosis is also notifiable: